Howarth S10 Oboe
The Howarth S10 (previously known as the S10B), a long-established student model oboe, is recommended by leading teachers and chosen by Education Authorities and Music Services throughout the U.K.
It is recognised as the best student English system oboe available and indeed many of today's professional players began lessons on a Howarth B Model oboe.
The instrument is particularly suitable for students because the design specification includes close finger spacing for the smaller hand and the instrument is light in weight for ease of handling.
A professional model oboe can weigh up to 0.72 kg, the Howarth S10 weighs only 0.54 kg. The popularity of the oboe has increased dramatically in recent years and we have found that students are starting at younger ages than ever before. In order to help younger players, the S10 is an all covered hole model.
- Body made from African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
- Thumb-plate system with single action octaves.
- Closed hole model with all covered holes.
- Left-hand C/D trill key.
- Forked F venting mechanism.
- Low C to B link.
- Nickel silver keywork which is silver plated.
- Every instrument comes complete with good quality student model case, reed case and mops.